Sunday, November 23, 2008

New Things

I am a strong believer in trying new things, as long as they're not too new. Yeah, I know. I'm a wuss. Get over it. So, I'm giving break dancing a shot. It interests me, what I've done so far has been fun, and I could use something physical to do. On top of all that, it's always bugged me that I couldn't dance. I can make music, but I've never quite had the ability to dance to it. Shouldn't I be able to feel what someone else is putting out? If not, how can I expect anyone to get into my music? So, this will be a new form of expression, and a conduit for music. It should help who I am as an artist, if nothing else. Plus, it's a reason for me to stretch every day. When is being flexible ever a bad thing? Thoughts, comments, etc, you know the drill.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's not really my thing, but you have fun with that. Everyone's got their own way through life, and I believe in following one's own road to enlightenment, or to the end, or however Buddha meant to get his word across to his followers. Heh, either way, I'm more intent on creating things and watching them grow to fruition, but many would say that I shouldn't. So in opposition, I'll never disagree, I'll just say to follow your own "road". ^_^